Who we are
Corporate Social Responsibility
Since its inception in 1956, BBAC has been committed to serving the financial needs of its
customers, while still upholding the highest ethical standards, and remaining supportive and engaged in local communities. As one of the leading banks in Lebanon, BBAC is cognizant that a responsible approach to business is a decisive factor in determining the long-term viability and
success of the Bank. For this reason, BBAC’s dedication to sustaining a sound financial standing and performance, providing the best banking solutions to its customers and practicing responsible employment comes in concurrence with a commitment to preserve the common interests of all its stakeholders through a Best Practice Corporate Governance Framework that sets the tone and provides the foundation for all its banking and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities.
For BBAC, CSR is not a choice; it is a central business need. The Bank believes that its core responsibility as a corporation goes beyond having a purely financial impact and must also have a social impact. The two go hand in hand because it is only by delivering social and economic value today that the Bank can create long-term sustainable benefits for tomorrow. Over the course of more than 60 years, BBAC has consistently enhanced its ethical standards and has balanced social and economic imperatives to address the concerns and expectations of all its stakeholders. Today, it is advancing on its sustainable journey by setting CSR commitments across the whole business because BBAC understands that it is only through its own exemplary actions that it can continue to prove its reputation as Lebanon’s ‘Caring Bank’.
As part of its community development and strategic philanthropy efforts, BBAC actively engages
in a range of well-selected and tailored CSR initiatives. Among some of its most prominent areas of engagement are health and the environment, economic affairs and humanitarian and social issues in addition to contributions in the arenas of culture and arts, sports, education and youth programs.
In addition to having a positive impact in the communities it serves through a spectrum of
donations and sponsorships, BBAC relies on the valuable volunteering and fundraising efforts of its employees. It also engages in various types of partnerships with leading Lebanese Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) and initiatives to maximize its reach and impact on the
country’s most vulnerable and disadvantaged community groups.
In another dimension, BBAC aims to contribute to economic growth and revitalization through
varied and multiple contributions and targeted initiatives that help stimulate entrepreneurship and job creation. BBAC is specifically keen on assisting Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs), which are considered the backbone of the national economy. In this context, BBAC promotes various loans that possess socially responsible attributes, thus offering borrowers favorable conditions such as interest rate subsidies. These loans also encourage environmentally friendly investments and empower startups by committing the Bank’s investments directly into different venture capital funds. The ultimate goal is to energize Lebanon’s future economic development by creating an ecosystem that promotes investment and production in the country. BBAC also supports the local economy in other ways, including meeting people’s financial needs at the various stages of their business and personal life cycles and helping them reach their goals, whether they want to buy a home, expand their business, pay for college or plan for retirement.
BBAC is making steady progress with regard to social and economic responsibilities; however,
it still has much work ahead before making sustainability a mainstream component of its business. The continued growth and sustainability journey is sure to present challenges as well as opportunities especially amid the still-difficult economic, social, environmental and political climate facing Lebanon and the region. But whatever lies ahead, BBAC’s commitment to responsible banking and its caring nature for the community will remain solid. That’s BBAC’s responsibility, that’s its promise and the mission that inspires it to succeed.